Your ultimate form of power, the power of choice

Choices become limited in crisis.

Illness and injury will happen; it's simply how life happens. When a crisis like illness or injury happens, management of said crisis may be necessary. But a crisis can also happen because course correcting choices were refused along the way. Like, ignoring your body's signs and symptoms that there's a problem.
Here's the deal, as your doctor I am unable to solve your resistance or ignorance to said crisis. I can and am committed to educating and bringing awareness to natural choices that may seem small. Small choices like ice, heat, stretching, lifestyle changes in the realm of fueling your body, and movement. Please know, these small choices consistently make a big difference even when a crisis happens. Healing time seems to be a little shorter, your nervous system is tuned and balanced to adapt to the stress of the crisis, your muscular system responds a better, and your mind knows that you have the tools to heal.

Ask yourself: 
Are MY health choices moving me away from or towards a health crisis?

Need help? Have questions? Feel free to reach out to Dr. Erica by email at


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